By Liz Davis
August 9, 2024
Thank you to everyone that attended our Partnership meeting on 6/15/24. We had a very informative presentation by Erin Hamilton from the VA National Cemetery. Erin shared a plethora of great information. Here are 3 takeaways that hospice agencies can do to help Veterans and their families with planning for funeral arrangements are: 1. Make sure they have a copy of their DD14/military discharge paperwork: If they don’t, they can request a copy here: Request Military Service Records | National Archives . Erin also suggested they can check their local county gov’t offices if they were drafted. 2. Encourage them to call the National Cemetery Administration (local cemetery offices or the national scheduling office) to confirm Veteran’s eligibility for free burial in a national cemetery. See attached brochures for #s 3. Encourage them to contact a benefits rep that can verify if they are eligible for any Veteran’s Benefits Administration Benefits (i.e. Burial Allowance, medallions, headstone, etc). See attached handout “assistance with benefits” for a list of organizations that can help them verify VBA benefit eligibility. Additional National Cemetery Administration Resources can be found on their website: NCA